No. Our products are 100% natural and we do not use any chemical preservatives or artificial flavors in.
For 26 years we are producing private label fine specialty foods for some of the most prestigious retailers all over the world. Our customers enjoy solid business growth through this popular category. Our largest private label customers are in the U.S., Canada, U.K., New Zealand, S. Africa, France, Australia, Germany, Belgium etc.
Our products are sold in 30 countries under our brand Nefeli, or well-known PL brands for leading Supermarket chains or distributors. Please send us an email at and we will reply with our importer’s contact info in your country.
The PGI acronym stands for “Protected geographical indication”, referring to a link between the product and the specific geographic region through certain quality standards, reputation or characteristics inherent to it. In order for a product to be registered as a PGI product, at least one of the stages of production, processing or preparation must take place in the region. On the other hand, product names registered as PDO - which stands for “Protected Designation of Origin” - are those that have the strongest links to the place they are made. Only products whose every part of the production, process and preparation takes place, exclusively, in the area of origin are registered as PDO products.